Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Leap of Faith Too

Well, we did it. Together we faced our fears. I dropped him off at junior high and watched him walk away. He stepped out of the safety of his mother's presence and walked into public school. Alone. I drove home and sat in the driveway, sobbing. Questioning God. Maybe I misunderstood him. Maybe he made a mistake. I mean after all he has so many to look after. Maybe I should go back and get him. Then I heard God whisper, "trust me". So I got out of the car, slamming the door in utter frustration. This whole idea was a lot easier to digest when it was just a concept. Now it was a reality. An in my face, my baby is gone, reality. It was the longest day of my life. I kept watching the clock, thinking I wonder what he is doing now. We got there 20 minutes early to pick him up and waited anxiously in the parking lot, searching each group for him. Finally, he emerged. A big smile on his face as he waved across the parking lot. I was so relieved to see him. He climbed into the car, full of happy chatter about the days events. We did it. God is good.

If you are wondering why this homeschooling mama sent one of her lambs out to the big bad wolf, you can read about it here: A Leap of Faith


Sheri said...

I am crying. I remember how I felt that one lonnnnng day as well. I am glad he had a good day.


the happy yapper said...

That's so awesome how you obeyed God like that! You are a good and faithful servant and will be blessed by obeying God. How exciting to see what God has in store for him!! :) I pray much peace over your heart as you continue this journey...

My husband and I gave our kids' schooling over to God and when/if God ever tells us to put them in public school, we will. Obedience is greatly rewarded. Kudos to you! :)